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海想知道|移動中的公共空間-Public Spaces on the Move

作家相片: 星濱山 ZhengbinArt星濱山 ZhengbinArt

原文收錄於《海想知道》Vol.2 「昨日 X 今日 空間對話」

This article was originally published in Ocean Knows: Vol.2 "Past X Present Dialogue on Space"

打從小時候起,我便一直著迷於高速公路還有我們旅遊的方式。高速公路與 ‘verzorgingsplaatsen’(*註:「高速公路休息站」的荷蘭文)是由一堆瀝青、路標、以及線條拼湊在一起,且它們通常都不是終點,而是一趟旅程中的停留點。我喜歡這些場所,因為它們是民主的、包容的、極為個人,且有時極為隱匿的。當我開始探究基隆港的屬性時,我發現人們在使用這些空間的方式上,有著共同且不易被察覺的特徵。這篇文章將會試圖呈現這些共同特性。

Since I was young I always had a fascination for the highway and the way we travel. Highways and ‘verzorgingsplaatsen’ are cobbled together with asphalt, road signs, lines and are usually not a final destination, but a stop during a journey. I appreciate these places because they are democratic, inclusive, super personal, and at the same time super anonymous. While diving into the characteristics of Keelung Port, I discovered similar hidden qualities in the way we use these kinds of spaces. This article is the first step towards representing these similarities.

Janneke Derksen's project "On the move"



“On the move”是一個策略性的研究計畫,它以介入的方式探索‘verzorgingsplaatsen’(休息站、服務站、加油站)的隱藏特性。我的策略是去讀取以及學習這些高速公路系統:它們在過去以及今天是如何被使用?它們如何運作?它們發展出了什麼樣的視覺語言,又有什麼樣的基本規則——換句話說,該如何使用它們?在重層的運作中,是否有的功能已經被消除,如果有,那又是什麼?而未來的發展又會如何在視覺、空間使用、路線規劃等層面上影響‘verzorgingsplaatsen’?


Learning from the Highway

“On the Move” is a strategic design and research project that explores ‘verzorgingsplaatsen’ (rest places, service- and gas stations) by interventions as an investigation on its hidden qualities. My strategy is a way to read and learn from the highway system; How have they been used in the past and how are they used today; the way they function, the visual language they have developed, the general protocol of gas stations, i.e. how to use them? Are there layers of use that have been erased and if so, which? How will future developments affect the ‘verzorgingsplaatsen’ in visual terms, the use of space and routing?

The highway is always up to date with present-day needs and modern technology. What will happen to the highway and therefore also to the connected spaces (‘verzorgingsplaatsen’), when gasoline disappears as the main fuel? And how does our experience of these places change? In combination with the developments that are taking place in mobility, fuel, retail and governmental, I feel a deep need to speculate on the future of the highway or similar spaces, such as Keelung Port.






Learning from Keelung Port

Keelung Port is used for large-scale transportation, and at the same time, it functions as a transition zone from the waterway to the city center, used for commercial purposes where the quality of public space is leaking. So, what can we learn from these kinds of spaces? How do we occupy them temporarily and what kind of materials, elements, or objects do we use around us every day? What lifespan do they have and what will happen when we no longer need it? How can this be interpreted by future users, both spatially and functionally and develop into something new?

Keelung Port, a place of transport where technology and innovation have a major influence on the architectural image of those large grey public spaces. At the same time, it’s a place that is transforming by temporary human use and the impact of nature due to climate effects, influencing our daily experience.

Both locations, Keelung Port and the highway, are spaces originally designed out of regulations and restrictions for the transport industry, but in which the demand for human interaction/scale increased over the years. How can we integrate this human question within this grey, transport environment, where new spaces will be created for inclusivity and personal interpretation? At the same time the parallel question arises; how do we create a greener, healthier, and liveable environment in this industrial context? Where does climate adaptation play a role and where should elements such as rain, trees, and planting be the starting point for further design and architectural development?




Stories to be Told

Hidden spaces such as in the transport industry are unnamed public spaces; spaces we don’t live in but occupy for a short period of time. This makes that a place offers different values for present users compared to previous and future users. Therefore, the place is constantly creating new stories. The history of the place is the fundamental and fixed part of the story, and the old one is extended with the temporary stories, ensuring that people are able to connect to a place. Temporary design and architectural interventions can be a tool for revealing those histories and gives the user a new perspective for creating new storylines and relationships with the place. The development of Keelung Port and the highway is always on the move due to the technology and innovation and the users will keep adapting to the constantly changing public space. These kinds of unnamed public spaces never show a final result, it’s continuously the beginning…


* 實體購買《海想知道》Vol.1 & Vol.2,

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文|Janneke Derksen

圖|Janneke Derksen、康宥儒

Janneke Derksen

策略式景觀設計師/ “On the move” 計畫設計師/NoPurpose Collective創辦人


strategic landscape designer/ designer of the project “On the move”/ founder of NoPurpose Collective

Her focus is on analysis and research, in which she creates a framework to approach the design question openly. She is a strategic player who brings people and knowledge together in the public domain.

#基隆港 #Keelungport #公共空間 #Publicspace #高速公路 #Highway #verzorgingsplaatsen



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